Getting prepared for a wedding ceremony, a reception, a honeymoon, a place to live, the temptations of a puppy, a Christmas season, a "Finals" week, a New Year, constant struggle to find Katie a full time teaching job, working long nights at Red Robin, and a laptop breaking I'd say we've had a pretty good 2010 and are past the first few weeks of January with casual style.
We have been super busy, if you didn't read the text above, and if you did read the text above keep reading because I'mma bout to blow your mind. Let me first just remind everyone why Katie is so awesome. First, most Bridezilla's are overly obsessed with EVERYTHING wedding, that isn't to say that Katie doesn't have her moments but when I first proposed within weeks she had a battle plan. We had originally chosen the June to be the month we were to be married in, however do to lucky circumstances the Church we want to be married in (Abiding Hope Lutheran) happened to have an available weekend just after Easter but before the wonderful spring decorations were to be torn down. That said we adapted our wedding colors to match and coincide with the chapel decorations. This was in the first few weeks making us move our wedding date to April 30th, 2011.
The wedding plans moved along splendidly. The wedding dress was chosen and bought well before Thanksgiving, in fact it might have even been before Halloween. The Bridesmaids dresses are being made by Kathi Butler, whose two daughters Steph and Kim are also Katie's Bridesmaids.
The Reception Hall was suprisingly a very simple ordeal. After calling a handful of places in the local area and not too far from Abiding Hope we landed upon The Golden Hotel. The Bride's mother Anne helped us out a lot with this making it a place we won't regret. The space is perfect, and the food is delicious. Being in late April and praying for good weather we should also be able to use the balcony space as well as a small platform that runs along side a river just outside the hotel for photos.
We spent a very long afternoon into night process registering at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond. I warn you know to turn away with you don't like cynical responses and skip to the next paragraph. This has been your last warning. I found the entire process of registering insanely greedy. Now hear me out. You pop in your information and they give you a gun and tell you to have gifts for up to 3 times the amount of guests your expecting. I understand why this is necessary as far as giving a variety to people and not expecting everything on your list. However, I'm a pretty simple guy; give me a Yoo-Hoo, and a Hot Pocket and I'm good. The variety of things we registered for are great but I can't help but feel like I was on an old episode of Super Market Sweep, just scan EVERYTHING you might EVER possibly need. I suppose this is the same reason I don't play the Lotto, I just don't understand the necessity to having so much stuff, but I digress.
With all of these preparations, a few choice words, a couple of headaches, and a very scary shock to us both concerning Katie's credit score (which should be cleared up within weeks) we have had an exceptional wedding planning process, or rather Katie and Anne and Kathi have. As the Groom I knew it wasn't my place to stick my toe into a river of piranha ladies but now it is my turn. It is time to get some suits.
Invitations will be sent out shortly, we have just finished compiling our list of names and addresses and surprisingly we have everyone, good job slackers.
We love each and everyone of you guys and can't wait to see you there.
P.S. I love Katie :P
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